Saturday, February 1, 2014

Late Night Blog Sesh

     It's been a busy start the the semester! I can't believe it's already February and that Monday begins the fourth week of spring semester! Where is the time going? I've been so busy and times been flying I guess. I only have thirteen credits right now but that hasn't kept me from constantly running around. I will soon have fifteen credits but I have not yet registered for said class yet because it is an independent study course that I need to figure out before I can actually register. I will be doing my Honors Capstone this semester - the senior project required of students who hope to graduate with honors - and I'm still in the process of figuring out what I'd like to work on. Though I'm not graduating until next spring, I am working on my Honors Capstone this semester because I have two majors and therefore will be doing a senior seminar each semester next year to complete those majors. The project is supposed to be interdisciplinary so I'm looking into historical letters to tie my history and English major's together. Because of the terribly crappy weather (this is Minnesota in the winter after all!) and some troubles with communication, I've been unable to get to the museum in town to work on my research but hopefully I'll have it figured out soon! I finally got to the museum today and found some sources that I'm interested to look into in depth. I'm also working on my internship applications for next summer which I'm getting done slowly but surely. I'm applying to some museums as I want to go to graduate school for museum studies and, although I've spent the last three summers working at a small town museum in Iowa, I would love to have experience at a larger museum.

   So, I have some kind of exciting news... I'm pleased to say that I was hired as an Assistant Hall Director for this upcoming school year. This is a really rare opportunity for me as most colleges don't have undergraduate hall directors. However, my school is only an undergrad institution so it is much easier to hire undergraduate HD's, and that's what I'm going to be next year. I will be working in a large freshman hall alongside a professional staff member and I'm really excited. I love being a CA but I'm ready to do something a little different next year. Being an Assistant Hall Director is perfect because I'll still be working for the Office of Residential Life, which I really enjoy, but I'll be in a slightly different and more powerful position. We are already planning the hiring process for next year, which the Hall Director's are involved with and I get slightly giddy at the idea of having so much power - I will be interviewing people interested in the position and ultimately will have a say in who will be hired. SO MUCH POWER = SO MUCH FUN! I promise I wont let it go to my head though. I've also been working on planning programming for my floor this semester, which has proven to be quite difficult, because even though it's only the beginning of the semester, everyone is already so busy! It didn't help that I got stranded coming back from an RA conference of all things last weekend. The weather was super bad and the roads were terrible and the group of us that went didn't get back until Monday. Luckily, my one Monday class was canceled that day because the amount of other people who happened to be on University-related trips combined with the amount of people who already live off campus made having class seem rather pointless to my professor. It wasn't too bad being "stranded" though. We stayed in the Twin Cities and ORL (Office of Residential Life) paid for a hotel which just HAPPENED to be in my home town. It also just so happened that there was a birthday party for my grandpa happening that weekend so I got to see some family that I hadn't seen in a while and I got to go home and have a nice home-cooked meal, which I'm certainly not complaining about!

  This semester has been off to an okay start. Lately, I've been more anxious than usual so I've had to work extra hard to maintain that. I've been making sure to work out as often as possible because that definitely helps. Classes aren't that bad so far - just a lot of reading for the most part - but I have tons of other things going on! I'm on call this weekend, which isn't too bad. It gives me something to do and I don't have to worry about making plans (which is very stressful as an introvert!) I'm nervous about the internships I'm applying for and post-college life - since I only have two semesters left of my undergraduate career once this one is over! I can hardly believe it... I feel like I just got here! If you happen to be reading this (and you've made it this far) and you will be going to college soon, I suggest that you make the most of it! It goes by so fast!

  Well, I should probably go soon. It's getting pretty late and I don't want to stay in bed all day tomorrow, which will inevitably happen if I'm not proactive about getting to bed now! I hate staying in bed all day because then I feel like I've wasted a day, so there you go! That's my late night up date for now.


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