Friday, December 13, 2013

Last Day of Classes = A Look Back on This Semester

It's that time of year! Finals are right around the corner! Today was the last day of classes here at Morris and, as one of them only lasted about five minutes and the other one is optional (and seriously, as a college student who is already drained from this semester, why would I go to an optional class time?), I thought I'd take the time when I'd usually be in class to write a bit. I have a few more assignments and a lot of studying to before the end of the semester but I just need a break right now and I figure that blogging is a better use of time than staring at facebook for an hour.

I was thinking today as I was walking back from class that this semester has been awesome. It did kick off with my first break up ever, which was rough; however, my semester just went up from there. The relationship I was in was not healthy and it kept me from being my true self. I have become a much stronger and confidant person since then and I believe that as a result I have really been able to shine as a CA and as an individual. Despite the fact that this has been my hardest semester yet at college, it has also been the best. I have been working out regularly and I feel the best that I have in years; this is also the first time I feel completely accepted here at college. I had a great time freshman year on my floor, but I always felt sort of alienated from the rest of my floor, particularly by the end of the year. Last year, I wasn't in a good place because I spent all of my time with my boyfriend; I had friends that I talked to but I didn't ever really spend an extensive amount of time with them because I was ALWAYS with my boyfriend.When I wasn't with him I felt lost and sad because my social anxiety took over and I was too nervous to go out an meet people; furthermore, even though I always felt that there wasn't something completely right with the relationship, I still felt like I needed him. Looking back, this affected my performance as a CA, and though I didn't have the greatest floor last year, I know that I could have approached the situations much differently if I would have been in a better place mentally and emotionally. Though my relationship taught me a lot of lessons, both good and bad, I am so glad that I am no longer in it and I'm proud of the person I have become without him in my life. That is part of the reason this semester has been so amazing. I have also found a fantastic group of friends who make me feel accepted; I no longer feel like the quiet girl who was only invited because people felt like they had to invite me. I am well-liked and respected by my friends and coworkers and it feels so good. This couldn't have happened without my outlook on life changing, as a result of my break up.

Let me just say, I don't just have a fantastic group of friends but I also work on the best residence hall staff ever. I liked my staff last year, but I didn't know how much I could love my staff until this year came around. We are all so supportive of each other and we all get along so well. We are also just a super fun group! I have developed close friendships with a few of them and I know that we are all here for each other. Seriously, not to brag or anything, but we're pretty much the bee's knees.

This is my staff in a nutshell. Yes, you should be jealous. :)
Furthermore, I absolutely love my floor. It has been a pleasure to watch my residents learn and grow throughout this semester and I can't wait to see what next semester brings. Not only are they a fun group to live with, but they have proven to be wonderful and caring people. At the beginning of the semester, there was a serious incident on my floor and I was astounded at how my residents responded during and after the incident. It was a scary experienc, but they went so far as to help me during the incident - which I was not expecting of them - and they looked after each other in the aftermath. I'm so proud of my residents and I am so happy to be their CA! It definitely isn't the same floor now as it was at the beginning of the year as we've had a couple people move in and a couple people move out, but it is still a fantastic group to be a part of.
This is my floor (well, part of it at least) in a nutshell. We took a holiday
card for a hall contest among the floors and this is the result. Isn't it beauteous?
Though this semester has been wonderful, I am so excited for winter break. I need a break from school and I cannot wait to go home for a few weeks and just relax. I'm also looking forward to next semester as I'm taking some awesome classes!

In the past few months, I've learned that even though life sucks sometimes, attitude and outlook are the most influential factors in the search for happiness in this life. This semester hasn't always been easy; I have definitely had my moments where I just wanted to be done with school and go hide in a hole forever, but with the right attitude and the right friends, I have been able to get through those times to  see just how truly wonderful life is!

I must finish this post for now as I have tons to do before finals week but I'm glad I had a chance to share this with whoever ends up reading it!


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