Saturday, September 7, 2013

Just a Little bit About Me...

Hello there!

This is my first post as a blogger; I've never done this blog business before but I thought it would be a fantastic place for me to start as I strive to find myself on this journey called life. I've always loved writing but struggle to find time to do so outside of academic writing for school. By keeping a blog, I hope to make myself write on a regular basis on whatever strikes me as worth putting into words!

Recently, I've been striving for happiness and contentment in life. This desire came to light as I was struggling through a relationship that neither I nor my significant other were happy in. I was trying so hard to keep us together more so because I was terrified of facing life on my own than anything else. As a result, I was extremely unhappy and was constantly worrying about my relationship; this made it difficult for me to enjoy anything else. It took me a long while filled with many tears and tissues for me to realize that my attempts to forage a better relationship would only keep me from the happiness that I so desired. After having a discussion together, we finally decided to end it, as hard as it was for me.

Since then, I have been much happier. The stress and anxiety I suffered from during those last few weeks of the relationship have completely disappeared. Though I'm still kind of sad about it - because break ups are never easy regardless of the situation - I've been trying my best to remain positive and I have been surrounding myself with wonderful, caring people. I've realized that instead of trying so hard to ensure that everything works out, I should step back a little bit and let my world fall into place naturally. This is where the name of my blog comes from and what I'm going to strive for as an individual along with happiness and contentment. As human beings, we have a lot of choices and decisions that we need to make in life, but not everything is in our control. I'm a college student with a whole life ahead of me - my world will figure itself out in time.

Now that school is back in session, I'm focusing on my studies which will keep me super busy. I'm also a Community Advisor at my school, so the wonderful world of res life is another commitment of mine. Though I have a lot going on, I hope to make weekly or bi-weekly posts though we'll see how that goes. I hope that whoever reads this, if anyone does indeed read this, finds something worthwhile in my writing. If not, at least I know that I'm getting something out of it!

So long for now! Until next time...

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